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Monday, July 6, 2009


I need to get on this. My excuse, which isn't a strong one, is that i was waiting on getting my new camera: which i now have. So no excuses now. its a must.

I'm very happy with my brand spankin' new D90. I took it out for a test run in a bar and was supprised with the results. The colors are much deeper, and I find it MUCH easier to operate than my last camera (D50).

New Flickr posts coming soon. Models and friends alike, don't be shy to ask me to take your picture!

Until next time,


P.S. The new camera has a video function which i'm very excited to explore. Maybe i'll post something to Flickr!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Zen Fountain

I stumbled upon this pic yesterday. Some how a year later, i still haven't been through all my pictures. I need to work a little harder, and more often. Flickr... Here i come.

Work, work, work.

Work has finally payed off. I now have either enough money to buy a new camera (d5000 is my new poison), or enough of a buffer to move out. I can't decide. So i won't. I won't spend it for now. Maybe invest it. We'll see...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Probably the thing i have the hardest time dealing with. (I'm having an easy life). I would love a world where being straight forward and up front would be the norm. I find it so hard to not ask any questions about my stance from someone else's perspective, simply because it's considered somewhat offensive. Why do i need to keep my trap shut and live through ambiguous situations where decision making is near impossible without being offensive or completely screwing your chances over.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Experementing With Light

I did some experimenting in St Annes with some more long exposure. I discovered long exposure a year ago, bored in my hotel room in Tokyo. I hadn't done any since.

I really enjoy doing things like this. More to come surely.

I've got photo shoots scheduled from tomorrow and potentially Wednesday to take pictures of skateboarders. Can't wait!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Pillows, originally uploaded by Paul Goodship Photography.

This seems to be the picture attracting the most attention. Good! It was a spur of the moment shot :P

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

i've set up my very first twitter, curious to see if it really is as addictive as it is told to be.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Too much time

I've been spending FAR too much time infront of my computer: currently noticing how much i know about my PC while trying to help a friend (Lukaia) set up his brand new laptop.

You know what that means?

Maybe eventually some animation to Lukaia's drawings and more beats to come.


Arch, originally uploaded by Paul Goodship Photography.

One of my favorites from my trip to cuba

Monday, April 27, 2009

More pictures

I've posted more pictures on my Flickr account. 
I've also finally decided to dish out the cash for a Pro account which i'm very excited about.
Please go check out my photostreamhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/beefandwolf/
and feel free to leave me comments!